Earth Day No Prep Critical Thinking Text Puzzle

It’s the weekend! Woo hoo!

Need something quick and easy?

Here’s a NO PREP just print-and-go Earth Day Text Message Puzzle.

ASK YOUR STUDENTS: Who is texting and what is going on?

Then ask them if Christine is an astronaut or teacher…

Seriously. It could go either way.

I mean, I had one thing in mind when I made the critical thinking text puzzle. But, as you know, everyone brings their own perspective and comes up with their own interpretation.

If you want a full reading comprehension lesson (with detailed answer key so you feel comfortable explaining reading strategies and exploring clues…

CLICK HERE to get the full Reading Comprehension lesson

  • The slideshow lesson goes through each text message clue one-by-one.
  • Systematic and Cumulative Learning: Students fill out two reading comprehension graphic organizers as they read (“It Says, I Say, And So” and “Somebody Wanted But So” worksheets.)
  • Real-World Literacy and Social-Emotional Learning: Students reflect on how they applied critical thinking strategies and how it relates to school and the real world (i.e. self-awareness, social-awareness.)