Thanks for signing up for our email newsletter!
Oh, you haven’t yet? No problem, just click here to sign up for the email goodness!
1. Head on over to your email inbox…
…and you’ll see an email from Mike at Educircles asking you to confirm your email address.
Find the email from Mike at Educircles
Psst. It might be hiding in your spam folder
Open the confirmation email…
…and click on the blue button that says, “Yes, subscribe me to the list”
Click on the BLUE BUTTON
to confirm your subscription
Once you click on the blue button…
…you’ll be sent off to do one of those reCAPTCHA things.
We’re really sorry…
but you have to click on those picture box things to prove your humanity…
(Are we really sure that robots aren’t very good at finding those crosswalks, yet?)
2. After you prove your humanity, we’ll send you a welcome email!
The welcome email has the download links for your sign up freebies! It might take a few seconds to arrive in your inbox.
(Psst. You may want to use a desktop computer instead of your phone to download the zipped files.)