Asking Questions Help Page
Hi there!
What does this mean?
This product was originally released as a TpT Online Resource (Google Drive Resource):
The current version of this product is a TpT Digital Download (ZIP Folder Resource):
Unfortunately, TpT cannot convert the original Online Resource product type into a Digital Download product type. (This is why I had to re-publish this product.)
If you purchased a bundle like the Reading Mega Bundle or the Everything Bundle, then you will automatically have access to the latest ZIP folder version.
If you purchased the old Google Drive version separately, you will continue to have access to the Google Drive folder. When I make the old product inactive, it just means other people can’t buy it.
“Once you inactivate or delete your listing, your product will no longer be available on the site to purchase. However, Buyers who have already purchased the resource can still download the file.”
Source: TpT Help Page for Sellers
If you would like to switch to the latest ZIP FOLDER version, we have a few options
OPTION 1. If you purchased the old version (Google Drive product type) within a year
TpT will refund purchases if there is duplicate content and it has been less than a year since the first purchase.
If you purchase the new Digital Download product version, you can request a refund of the old Google Drive product version using this form or by emailing [email protected].
Duplicate Purchase— You purchase the same resource twice in one TpT account. Example: You purchase a resource contained in a specific bundle and then later purchase that bundle within one year of the original purchase.
Source: TpT Help Page – Refund Policy
OPTION 2. If you purchased the old version (Google Drive product type) over a year ago…
This is a little trickier because TpT will not issue refunds beyond a year.
I can help by giving you a TpT gift card to cover the cost of the new Digital Download Zip File version.
Please email me at [email protected] using your school email account and let me know the name of your TpT account.
That should be enough for me to look through the sales records to confirm you purchased the old version. Then I can send you a gift card to cover the cost of upgrading to the new version!