Where did the weekend go?
I’m rebooting my daily updates on the Educircles website.
Well, recently I started a YouTube channel for the TPT Seller community. I post videos to help teachers use Strategies, Effort, Optimization, and Tinkering to become teacherpreneurs.
(I believe that entrepreneurial adventure is a fantastic, authentic 21st-century learning task. If teachers can figure out how to be successful with a side gig or side hustle, they will naturally learn lessons in grit, tenacity, and resistance.
As teachers, we teach what we know. So, if we have first-hand experience figuring out how to succeed in an open-ended real-world task, those teachable moments will naturally show up in our lessons to students.
If you want to learn more about how I’m helping the Teacher Seller community, check out https://youtube.com/@SEOTpreneur