Hey Teachers and Peeps who teach!

Whether you just finished your first week back in the classroom, or you just finished your last week of summer, or you’re somewhere in between, TGIF!

To celebrate this Friday Freebie, we thought we’d send out our take on a classic team building activity: LOST AT SEA!

  • Your students are on a life raft in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.
  • Their job is to rank 15 items in order of importance.

Personally, I think the box of chocolates should have been ranked first, but I think the US coast guard probably knows what they’re talking about…

Get the LOST AT SEA – FREE Critical Thinking Mini Lesson Group Activity

This is a classic activity that can be found all across the Internet but we’ve adapted it to help you focus on CRITICAL THINKING. Plus we made the activity look visually appealing for school.

Oh, and it’s free. ’nuff said.

Check it out!

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