Creativity Lesson Plans: Teach Innovation and Creative Problem Solving in Elementary, Middle, and High School

CREATIVITY LESSON PLANS UPDATE – Mar 1, 2024: Here are 14 creativity lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school.
Why do we need creativity?
- Problem Solving: To create solutions to obstacles
- Innovation: To create new ways to do things / business products
- Content Creators: Influencers, Social Media gurus, and other personalities literally create content – videos, posts, reels.
Creativity Lesson Plans are not just for art class.
This is about switching to a growth mindset and creating new ideas to solve academic problems, relationship problems, and global challenges!
New Year season in January 2024 is the perfect time to teach students how to have a Creativity mindset.
(After all, they’re still in the honeymoon phase. All bright, shiny, and eager to try new things… for now.)
Creativity lessons for elementary and middle school go way beyond art class. It’s more than creative writing in English class.
Likewise, innovation in high school goes way beyond business class.
Many of us think we can’t teach creativity or mark creativity.
- We think we’re not creative people. We’re no good at art.
- We’re not sure how to teach innovation to students because we think you’re either innovative… or not… and that’s just the way it is.
These Creativity Lesson Plans help change the way we think about “creativity” in the classroom.
Instead of thinking about creativity as art, let’s think of it as creativity in problem-solving.
The root word of creativity is to create.
- It’s about connecting ideas in different ways to create something new.
- This can be creating something new for us personally, or it can be something new that the world has never seen before.
Yes, we solve problems in the arts: How can we connect ideas together to create a new twist in an art assignment, a dance, a dramatic production, or creative writing?
But, we also use a lot of creativity in problem-solving everyday life challenges. In fact, we use a lot of creativity in Social-Emotional Learning!
SEL is more than just checking in with people to see how they’re doing (although, that’s important.)
Here are three ways creativity and social-emotional learning go hand-in-hand:
- Self-management includes the ability to manage one’s emotions. When things get tough, sometimes, we need to create new ways to deal with our emotions. (Instead of just hiding them from the world.)
- Self-awareness is the ability to understand your emotions, thoughts, and values. Linking our feelings, values, thoughts, and experiences is exactly what we do when we’re creative and connecting new ideas and experiences in ways we haven’t thought of before.
- Relationship skills are the ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships. Relationships require work – especially when you have different points of view about things that personally matter. We need to be creative in solving problems and dealing with conflict constructively.
Use these fun creativity lessons to help teach innovation and prepare students for another year of the unknown!
Think about creativity this way:
- Creativity is about creating / making new things
- We get creative when we solve problems every day.
- We find solutions to obstacles all the time.
What do you do when…
- life gives you a pandemic and you have a new normal?
- things are constantly changing between teaching in the classroom, physical distancing, and online distance learning?
- you lose your job and need to figure out how to make a living?
- the world is unfair and you need to change the system?
- you need to do a class project and the teacher tells you to come up with an original idea. (In other words, don’t copy the teacher example…)
How do we teach innovation? Is that even possible?
It’s easy to say, “be creative”… “innovate!” But, how do we actually do that?
Try this in your classroom!
Teaching creativity in the classroom requires a paradigm shift.
We can encourage innovation and creativity in our students by changing their points of view about what it means to be creative.
Try this quick MINDS-ON activity to kick start your Creativity Lesson Plans:
Let’s teach innovation and creativity by explicitly giving students a process and fostering a growth mindset.
Creativity means to create.
- Not just in art, but in every subject.
- Not just in school, but in life.
1. Brainstorm different synonyms for create.
- Create: Build, construct, design, produce, set up, generate
- Created: Assembled, completed, made, manufactured, finished
- Creating: Accomplishing, composing, executing, forming, generating
- Source: – create
2. Generate a list of short sentences that use these new verbs. (If you teach a specific subject, then you might also give a curriculum-appropriate topic as well.
- Science – ecosystems : Build a way to explain how an ecosystem works that a 5 year old kid could understand.
- Math: generate study notes and a process to help you practice your skills before the next quiz.
- Relationships: Find a way to form a deeper connection with your partner.
- Life – errands: Complete this list of errands today.
- Goal setting: Accomplish one thing today that would move you closer to achieving your dreams.
3. Explain that creating something means connecting ideas we have in new and different ways. Some will work, others won’t.
- This means, the more ideas we have in our head, the more connections we can make.
- Ideas don’t have to be in the subject or topic that we’re trying to solve a problem for.
- In fact, some times, the most creative ideas come from connecting something we’ve seen somewhere else and trying it in a new area.
So… the more ideas and experiences we have to draw upon, the more likely we can find inspiration when we’re trying to solve problems.
Creativity takes time, so pausing to observe and wonder is important.
How to teach innovation and creativity to students
Remind students that:
- Creativity is a skill that we can get better at.
- Creativity and innovation are about connecting ideas in new ways.
- So, then the goal is to have more diverse life experiences.
- Then, observe what happens and give yourself time to wonder…
Okay, so what does that mean for us, teachers?
How do we actually teach innovation? (Skip to the creativity lesson plan.)
How to Teach Creativity in the Classroom
Let’s shift how we approach creativity at school!
Yes, we need to appreciate the important role of creativity in the arts.
But, we can also take our creative teaching ideas outside of the art classroom.
We know the hidden word in “creativity” is “create”.
We know we need to help our students recognize that we constantly create things in life. We create solutions to life problems every day.
As principals, teachers, and educators, we can help students recognize that creativity is actually a transferable 21st century skill that we use:
- at school,
- in relationships,
- in careers, and
- to deal with the unknown.
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
Teaching Creativity and Teaching Innovation to Students – New Pedagogies for Deep Learning ideas
Need some NPDL creative lesson plan ideas?
Creativity can be one of the harder 6 Cs to try to wrap your head around.
Especially because when we start talking about being creative, we automatically say things like, “I’m not good at art,” or “I’m not very creative.”
Often times we’re stuck in a fixed mindset. We think you’re either creative, or you’re not. And that’s just the way it is.
So here’s one way to reframe creativity for people who are exploring new pedagogies for deep learning (NPDL) with their students.
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
7 things to include when teaching innovation and creativity in the classroom and at school:
- Every teacher can embed lessons on creativity in their course. It’s not just for art teachers!
- Reframe creativity as an important 21st century competency / learning skill. Not just something we do when it’s time to be “creative.”
- Everyone can be creative. We use creativity all the time. (We call it problem-solving.)
- Creativity is a learnable skill and process – we can all have more creative minds! We can encourage a growth mindset, strategies, and effort.
- Teach students how to break patterns, observe results, and wonder what if.
- Explain 4 key concepts of creativity:
- Creativity is a learnable skill
- Anyone can become more creative by applying strategies and effort
- Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.
- We draw on life experiences and connect them in different ways to come up with new ideas.
- Practice what you preach! Teach innovation and creativity by modeling your own journey. Try the Do Something Different activity yourself to try to become more creative.
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
Creativity and Innovation lesson plans can be in every teacher’s toolbox.
Not just the art teachers.
Creativity is an essential 21st century skill because creativity and innovation are about figuring out ways to solve problems and express yourself in new ways.
It’s about connecting the ideas in your head with your life experiences in new ways to overcome obstacles.
But, it’s also about right now:
- Are you worried about how to teach (and assess) students to be more CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE in your class?
- Do you have to evaluate creativity as part of your learning skills or class?
- Do you want your students to come up with their own answers instead of simply copying the teacher’s example?
No problem. We got this!
Whether you call this 21st Century Competency “creativity,” “innovation,” or “problem solving”, we’re talking about the same thing: The ability to connect ideas in new ways to have original ideas that have value.
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
How to be MORE Creative Lesson Plans Table of Contents:
Teach innovation to students. How to be more creative and innovative
Encourage creativity and teach innovation by explicitly teaching students:
- Creativity is more than just for art
- Creativity is a learnable skill. That means we can all become more creative.
By encouraging a growth mindset, a creativity lesson plan can focus on the idea that with hard work, strategies, learning from mistakes, and just tinkering around, we can become more creative.
Despite what some people believe, we can nurture and become more creative, just as we can become better at reading, living healthier lives, and getting back up when we get knocked down (perseverance.)
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
Who can be creative?
We use creativity all the time in everyday life, but we don’t always think of it as “CREATIVITY” or “INNOVATION”. We think of it in the human mind as the ability to make sense of a problem.
- Finding a solution to a problem
- Figuring out how to do something
- Wondering about stuff
You see CREATIVITY in the business world all the time
Innovation is essential in business.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, small business or working for the government or large corporations, we “create” things at work all the time. And, I’m not talking about art!
- Figuring out a new product that is different
- Coming up with a new way to sell an old product. (The Diamond Shreddies campaign is brilliant.)
- Creating a way to convince people to take action.
- Finding common ground with other people on your team so you can get the job done.
- Pivoting your business to deal with Covid-19
In a competitive global economy, our students need 21st century skills that are transferable to any situation.
Are we teaching students to be innovative and creative?
(or are we teaching them that there is only one correct solution to a problem?)
- Can our students enhance and explore ideas in creative ways and bring these ideas to action to meet the needs of a community?
- Can our students use imagination when creating a plan to develop an entrepreneurial project?
- Do our students improve ideas and experiment with ideas to try to solve a real-world problem [in their community?]
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
Learning how to be more creative and innovative is a skill that anyone and everyone can work on. (Hello, growth mindset!)
This is actually a pretty big deal.
School is kind of an artificial institution that often squishes creativity. We start off in Kindergarten exploring the world and trying out new things.
Then, something happens as we get older.
- We start to learn there’s a right way and a wrong way to do things.
- Some answers are better than others. Usually, school favours the most concise, precise and efficient answers.
- We become afraid to make mistakes. We don’t want to speak out or be different or have our ideas put down.
- There’s pressure to be right, and never wrong. (Hello, fixed mindset.)
- We stop playing. (Creative takes time, wonder, and exploration…)
You might say that school makes excellent workers and employees:
- The environment requires you to sit down at a desk for eight hours a day.
- You get rewarded if you raise your hand (or ask permission) to give the right answer.
- People who ask to use the bathroom…
Is this what we want to train our human mind to be capable of?
How does this mindset help students to make sense of new situations or undefined problems when we leave the classroom?
We might want our students to be able to “think outside the box” but it’s hard because school is often about being inside the box – for both teachers and students.
- As teachers, it’s easier to mark assignments that have simple questions with simple answers directly from the worksheet. Sometimes, we just need to photocopy a handout package and then quickly correct them. It’s not ideal, but there’s so much to do in the job that you have to pick and choose your battles!
- For students, school often rewards us if we can play the game of sit quietly, do your work, raise your hand, and memorize facts for tests. Classroom discussions are often around guess what the teacher is thinking.
We need to be creative to solve problems in life:
- We keep fighting over the same stuff…
- I just finished school, but there are no jobs!
- I have too many bills to pay!
- We missed our ride.
- why does this keep on happening to me?
We need to be creative to solve problems at work:
- This project is due tomorrow!
- Nobody is buying our product!
- I deserve a raise!
- Uh-oh. They’re downsizing…
So, we need to provide students with explicit strategies to help them be more creative.
These How to be More Creative lesson plans were initially developed with middle school students in mind. However, we can also modify or adapt the lesson plans to teach innovation in other areas:
- Elementary students
- High school students
- Home-schooled students
- Small business human resources training
- Large corporation human resources training
(Jump to the creativity unit lesson plan.)
How do you bring creativity into the classroom?
We can teach innovation and creativity by encouraging a growth mindset and taking your time
This means explicitly teaching students that we can be more creative through effort and strategies.
Watch this short YouTube video about things to know about teaching creativity to your students:
Quick question: The answer is Twelve. Did your question involve math? Probably.
It’s hard to be creative under pressure.
- When you do this “Twelve” activity with your class, you can give them much more time as well as playing multiple rounds so you can look at different strategies to come up with new ideas.
- In the “Twelve” activity, we also give students to judge how “creative” an answer is. Once you’ve played the game a few times, you can start to separate “new variations” with “whoa, I never even thought about that” out-of-the-box variations.
Want a FREE sample?
“Twelve” is one of the activities we have in our How to be MORE Creative Lesson Plan package.
But, you can get it for free here.
How do you teach creativity and innovation?
Teach students how to break patterns
In life, we often get stuck in patterns.
If we practice breaking patterns, it helps us to have new experiences.
- Observe what happens.
- Observe how you feel.
- When we start to wonder why things happen that way, it might spark a sense of curiosity in you.
What does this have to do with creativity? By experiencing, observing, and wondering, we add moments to our life that might later become inspiration to something new!
Who knows what experiences today will help us to create new ideas tomorrow?
This is an important part of learning how to be more creative and innovative. (It’s also a key part of teaching innovation and creativity!)
We turned this idea about “doing something different” into a fantastic activity to inspire observation, wonder, and creativity…
The “Do Something Different” creativity challenge:
(Or how to teach innovation without focusing on innovation!)
For one week, try a little experiment with your students.
Rather than give creativity challenges for students, why not encourage students to make time and space to try new things and wonder.
Creativity Challenge for Students:
Every day, do the following four steps:
- Do something different (each day.)
- Observe what happens.
- Wonder about why things happen that way.
- Record your thoughts.
Morning Work:
- Every day, students spend 5 minutes filling out their Do Something Different journal entry handouts. (Use the short-answer question handout; students can write in jot notes.)
- Students spend the next 5 minutes chatting with a partner about what’s working, what’s not working. Their partner might notice something new.
- (Optional): Spend 5 minutes as a class discussing how the creativity challenge is going.
- At the end of the week, students will have four jot note pages about different things they’ve tried, and what they’ve observed.
- During the Friday Morning Work, instead of filling out the short-answer question handout, students take one of their previous jot note pages and write a proper paragraph response.
- Students hand in this paragraph response for assessment.
For more information about this Creativity Challenge for students, please check out
- Lesson C1: Explanation of the Do Something Different Challenge
- File 5d – Do Something Different Handout (print version)
The How to be More Creative Lesson Plan package includes a detailed script and creative lesson plan, handouts, and journal entry handouts.
Mental Health Note: Most people feel nervous when asked to do something new. If you feel this way, try starting with an easier challenge. Sometimes, the more we do something, the easier it gets for our human mind. And, that includes doing new things. You got this!
How to be more Creative and Innovative – Lesson Plan KEY CONCEPTS:
We provide over 2 weeks of creative lesson plans to do with your class to help students recognize that creativity is a learnable skill and we can all become more creative.
Creativity is MORE than just being artsy! Creativity is a process that can be taught, and creativity can be assessed.
There are 4 key concepts in our How to be more Creative Lesson Plan:
- Creativity is a learnable skill.
- Anyone can be more creative by applying hard work and strategies.
- Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.
- We use life experiences and connect them in different ways to come up with new ideas.
In this package, we:
- Introduce the concepts of Creativity as a learnable skill and help get students into a growth mindset to realize they can be creative in any subject or aspect of their life.
- Provide several exercises which give students opportunities to try to come up with new ideas that when points in the activity. (I.e. be creative and independently evaluate whether their ideas are “new” and “creative” within the context of the activity)
- Provide a week-long challenge of doing something new every day, and a structured handout package to help students to record their observations. (These journal entries could be used as portfolio samples or assessment data for student writing.)
- Provide discussion points of 7 YouTube videos showing Creativity in different contexts.
- What do musicians have to say about their creative process?
- What are educational and business leaders saying about creativity and innovation?
- You get discussion questions for students, as well as answers from the video for teachers to help guide the discussions.
- Allow for deeper exploration of the concept of “Creativity” by playing with the term using the Frayer Model of understanding
Get TWO weeks of Creativity Lessons for Elementary, Middle School, and High School:
How to be MORE CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE LESSONS (learning skills):
We are creating all the time, but we don’t always recognize that this is actually creativity and innovation.
Creativity is when we…
- try to solve a problem, or
- have an aha moment and figure out how to do something or
- connect the dots in a new way… These are all examples of creativity.
Creativity is something our human minds can develop. How do we know this?
Because there are…
- Award-winning musical artists out there talk about what they’ve learned about creativity and how it requires hard work.
- Educational experts out there explain how creativity is something that we can teach and assess.
- Business experts out there identify the strategies and habits that super-creative people use.
Activities for creativity can go beyond simply assigning a “creative” task and giving students opportunities to be creative.
What if our creativity worksheets also provided strategies to show students how to be more creative?
We watched a bunch of videos and selected 7 of them for you to check out and discuss with your class.
Then we constructed a bunch of activities for students to experience “creativity”
Finally, we came up with discussion questions and possible student answers for you to help your students come up with a deeper understanding of creative thinking.
In this 2-week lesson package of creativity lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school, students have the opportunity to:
- EXPERIENCE activities to explore how we generate ideas, where new ideas come from, and identify strategies that help us be more creative… or shut down creativity…
- WATCH examples of artists, educational and business experts discuss creativity and how to be creative.
- UNDERSTAND what “creativity” is by using a vocabulary building graphic organizer (Frayer model) to brainstorm features of creativity, examples and non-examples of creative thinking / process, and finally narrow down essential characteristics of what creativity actually is.
- 256 slides in POWERPOINT and GOOGLE SLIDE format
- 70 page lesson plan PDF with 14 DIFFERENT lessons (45-55 min each.)
- 2 page Double entry Journal handout
- 5 page “Creative Words” activity hand out
- 1 page “Twelve” activity handout
- 10 page “Do something different” Creativity Challenge handout package
- graphic organizer to analyze debate questions (HANDOUT + sample answer key)
- 2 page Vocabulary Building Graphic Organizer
- 1 page Creativity Learning Skills SELF-EVALUATION handout
- 2 page Creativity Review Assessment – What did you learn? (7 short answer questions + sample answer key.)
We just saved you an incredible amount of prep work!
And the slides and handouts look legit good. Just sayin’.

SAMPLE TWO WEEK Short Range Plan: (14 How to be MORE Creative LESSON PLANS)
We base this schedule on a 50 minute period and provide around 40-60 minutes of content per lesson.
Depending on your teaching style and classroom dynamics, you may find things go longer or shorter than the suggested times. Possible discussion points are included in some of the slide notes.
If you are short on time, cut out some of the videos. We suggest watching:
- Video #1 Creative thinking
- it gives 5 specific strategies on how to be more creative.
- Video #3b – The second Taylor Swift video clip
- It’s a short clip where she explains how she is a system of writing down ideas.
- Video #6 Can creativity be taught
- It clearly explains what creativity is: Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.
Creativity Lesson Plans for Elementary, Middle, and High School
DAY/LESSON 1 – Introduction to creativity (slides 1 – 29) – 45 MIN TOTAL
- Introduction of Creativity, Imagination, innovation (slides 1-7) – 10 minutes
- Getting into a growth mindset with Creativity (slides 8-24) – 10 minutes
- Why we need creativity (slide 25-28) – 10 minutes
- MINDS ON! Brainstorm strategies to get people to be less creative or more creative (slide 29) – 15 minutes
- Discuss strategies to be less creative – 5 min
- Discuss strategies to be more creative – 5 min
- Double entry Journal – 5 min
DAY/LESSON 2 – This is a … / Creative Words (slides 30 – 45) – 55 MIN TOTAL
- Review strategies / Introduce Part 1 (slide 30) – 5 minutes
- Activity #1: This is a … – 15 minutes
- Explain activity (slides 31-35)
- Play activity (slide 35)
- Reflection: Strategies to get people to be less / more creative (slide 36)
- Activity #2: Creative Words – Round 1 – 35 minutes
- Explain activity (slide 37-41) – 5 min
- Work period (slide 42) – 10 min
- Take up answers (slide 43) – 10 min
- Review strategies (slide 44-45) – 10 min
DAY/LESSON 3 – Creative Words (cont) (slides 46 – 49) – 40 MIN TOTAL
- Activity #2: Creative Words – Round 2 – 40 minutes
- Review strategies / get set up (slide 46) – 5 min
- Work period (slide 47) – 10 min
- Take up answers (slide 48) – 15 min
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 49) – 10 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
DAY/LESSON 4 – Twelve (slides 50 – 60) – 45 MIN TOTAL
- Activity #3: Twelve – Round 1 – 45 minutes
- Introduction (slide 50-56) – 10 min
- Work period (slide 57) – 10 min
- Take up answers (slide 58) – 15 min
- Discuss strategies (slide 59-60) – 10 min
DAY/LESSON 5 – Twelve continued (slides 61 – 69) – 50 MIN TOTAL
- Activity #3: Twelve – Round 2
- Introduction: How to find inspiration from class answers (slide 61-66) – 10 min
- Work period (slide 67) – 10 min
- Take up answers (slide 68) – 20 min
- Discuss strategies (slide 69) – 10 min
DAY/LESSON 6 – Twelve continued (slides 70 – 85) – 60 MIN TOTAL
- Activity #3: Twelve – Round 3
- How to find inspiration from other places… (slide 70-81) 15 min
- Inspiration from as the areas of life (slide 70-73)
- Numbers (slide 74)
- Words (slide 75)
- Pictures (slide 76)
- Household objects (slide 77)
- Sports (slide 78)
- Magic (slide 79)
- Brainstorm ideas from art / school (slide 80-81)
- Scoring / Set up (slide 82-83) – 5 min
- Work period (slide 83) – 10 min
- Take up answers (slide 84) – 20 min
- How to find inspiration from other places… (slide 70-81) 15 min
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 85) – 10 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
DAY/LESSON 7 – Do Something Different (slides 86 – 126) – 55 MIN TOTAL
- Activity #4: Do something different
- Introduction – 15 minutes
- Creativity in Life (slide 86)
- Fly metaphor (slides 87-97)
- Patterns (slides 98-101)
- Explaining the Challenge (slides 102-111)
- Explain the Handouts / Tracking sheet (slides 112-113)
- Brainstorming ideas – 20 minutes
- Explaining handout (slides 114-115) 5 min
- Independent brainstorming (slide 116) 5 min
- Combine ideas as a class: BIG LIST (slide 117-118) 10 min
- Explaining Journal Entry (slides 119-125) 10 min
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 126) – 10 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
- Introduction – 15 minutes
Creativity Lessons for Elementary, Middle, and High School
DAY/LESSON 8 – Part 2 Videos (slides 127-135) – 50 MIN
- Do Something Different CHECK-IN #1 (slides 127-129) – 10 min
- How did it go? (slide 127)
- What did you do? Observe? Wonder? (slide 128)
- Next Steps (slide 129)
- Part 2 Video Introduction (slide 130) – 2 minutes
- Video 1 Creative Thinking – 18 minutes
- Watch the video (slide 131) – 5 min
- Discussion – 5 min
- What is Creativity?
- What are 5 strategies to help us be more creative?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 132) – 8 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
- Video 2 Creativity is a Learnable Skill (David Usher) – 20 minutes
- Introduction (slide 133) – 2 min
- Watch the video (slide 134) – 5 min
- Discussion – 5 min
- What is Creativity?
- What strategies can help us in the creative process?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 135) – 8 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
DAY/LESSON 9 – Part 2 Videos continued (slides 127-129; 136-139) – 45 MIN
- Do Something Different CHECK-IN #2 (slides 127-129) – 10 min
- How did it go? (slide 127)
- What did you do? Observe? Wonder? (slide 128)
- Next Steps (slide 129)
- Video 3 Taylor Swift – 35 minutes
- Introduction (slide 136) – 3 min
- Watch the first video 73 Questions with Taylor Swift (slide 137) -10 min
- Discussion – 5 min
- What is creativity?
- What strategies about creativity can we infer from how she writes songs?
- Watch the second video Taylor Swift Interview (Nova FM) (slide 138) 2 min
- Discussion – 5 min
- What strategies about creativity can we infer from how she writes songs?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 139) – 10 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
DAY/LESSON 10 – Part 2 Videos continued (slides 127-129; 140-146) – 55 MIN
- Do Something Different CHECK-IN #3 (slides 127-129) – 10 minutes
- How did it go? (slide 127)
- What did you do? Observe? Wonder? (slide 128)
- Next Steps (slide 129)
- Video 4 Jay-Z Interview: His Writing Process – 15 minutes
- Introduction (slide 140) – 3 min
- Watch the video (slide 141) -4 min
- Discussion – 8 min
- What can we infer about Creativity based on what he says?
- What can we infer about Strategies about creativity based on how he writes songs?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 142) – OPTIONAL
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
- Video 5 TED: The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers – 30 minutes
- Introduction (slide 143-144) – 4 min
- Watch the video (slide 145) – 16 min
- Discussion – 10 min
- What are Originals?
- Why should we study the habits of Originals?
- What strategies can help us be more creative?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 146) – OPTIONAL
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
DAY/LESSON 11 – Part 2 Videos continued (slides 127-129; 147-149) – 40 MIN
- Do Something Different CHECK-IN #4 (slides 127-129) – 10 minutes
- How did it go? (slide 127)
- What did you do? Observe? Wonder? (slide 128)
- Next Steps (slide 129)
- Video 6 Can Creativity be Taught? – 30 minutes
- Introduction (slide 147) – 3 min
- Watch the video (slide 148) – 7 min
- Discussion – 10 min
- What are the 3 parts of Creativity?
- What strategy can help us in the creative process?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 149) – 10 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
DAY/LESSON 12 – Part 2 Videos continued (slides 127-129; 150-152) – 50 MIN
- Do Something Different CHECK-IN #5 (slides 127-129) – 10 minutes
- How did it go? (slide 127)
- What did you do? Observe? Wonder? (slide 128)
- Next Steps (slide 129)
- Video 7 Theory of Creativity – 40 minutes
- Introduction (slide 150) – 2 min
- Watch the video (slide 151) – 18 min
- Discussion – 10 min
- What is Creativity?
- What strategies can help us in the creative process?
- REFLECTION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 152) – 10 min
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
Creativity Lessons for Elementary, Middle, and High School
DAY/LESSON 13 – Vocabulary Builder (slides 153-171) – 50 MIN
- Introduce Part 3 – Understand (Vocabulary Builder) (slide 153)
- Graphic Organizer set up (slide 154-155)
- Minds on (slides 156-157)
- CONSOLIDATION: Strategies to be less / more creative (slide 158)
- Discussion
- Double Entry Journal
- Filling out the graphic organizer (slides 159-162)
- Revising graphic organizer (slides 163-167)
- Summary (slides 168-171)
DAY/LESSON 14 – Self Evaluation / Review – (slides 172-176) – 50 MIN
- Student Self Evaluation (slide 172-175) – 10 min
- Chapter Review Test (slide 176) – 40 min

HERE’S WHAT YOU GET when you download the Creativity Lessons for Elementary, Middle School and High School students:
THE READ ME file in the PREVIEW file section tells you exactly what you get when you buy this product.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave a comment below!
- a short-range plan showing the outline of topics and corresponding slides for 2-3 weeks of lessons.
- a detailed lesson plan (70 pages) for the 14 days / lessons.
We provide HANDOUTS:
- Double-Entry journal graphic organizers for students to take notes on strategies to be more or less creative.
- “Creative Words” activity handout with 5 different versions of the worksheet to record words.
- “Twelve” Creativity Activity handout for students to record questions with the answer 12.
- “Do something different” Challenge handout / worksheets for creativity. The package includes an introduction page, tracking sheet, brainstorming worksheets, and 2 versions of the journal entry handout.
- Vocabulary Builder graphic organizer (to develop a deeper understanding of what Creativity is.)
- Student Self Evaluation of their “Creativity” Learning Skill
- Chapter Review assessment and answer key of possible answers
We provide 3 different versions of the lesson slideshow (176 slides):
- A link to the Google Slideshow so you can show it right away. (Get started in seconds!)
- A link to a version of the Google Slideshow that you can make a copy of the presentation. (Edit the content to fit your exact classroom needs.)
- A Creativity and Innovation PPT Powerpoint file that you can download (PPT) and modify. (Edit the presentation to fit your needs, and use the presentation when the internet is down!)
All of our slides and handouts can be edited and modified to fit your specific classroom needs.
- You can edit the slides in Microsoft PowerPoint and Google slides format
- You can edit the handouts in Microsoft Word. (We also provide PDF format for easy printing)
Heads up Content warning: (Slide 141-142 Jay Z video clip)
The first few seconds of one of the videos we chose (Jay-Z interview clip) has an intro that we skipped for you.
- The 5 second intro from the video uploader, Evrrything Trill shows a black-and-white darkened video clip of a girl in lingerie on a bed.
- FYI: Trill is an adjective used in hip-hop culture to describe someone who is considered to be well respected, coming from a combination of the words “true” and “real”. (Source: Urban Dictionary)
If you play the video from the slideshow or the link in our slideshow, the video playback is set to begin 6 seconds into the interview and skips the intro entirely.
But, if you search for the video separately on YouTube, it will of course start from the beginning of the video.