Step 1: Sign up for the Educircles Email Newsletter
Sign up today and be the first to get notified on new updates.
Plus, right now, if you join will get a free copy of the TASTE of CREATIVITY – “Twelve” lesson!
Step 2: Go to your email inbox or spam box and look for an email from Educircles Support
Once you signed up for our email newsletter, go to your email inbox and see if you can find the email from Educircles Support.
It might be hiding in your spam box.
Step 3. Open the email from Educircles Support and click on the GREEN DOWNLOAD button!
As a thank you for signing up for our email goodness, we’re giving you the TASTE of CREATIVITY – “Twelve” lesson for FREE!
In the email from Educircles Support, there will be a big GREEN DOWNLOAD button.
Click on it and the handout zipped file will automatically start to download.