
Assertive Communication

… takes courage. This woman made history by being assertive.

We talk about effective communication in the classroom.

We teach public speaking strategies for oral communication marks.

But, do we ever really show our students HOW to be assertive?

Not really.

But, being assertive is a life skill that we need at school, at work, and in our relationships.

We can talk about Rosa Parks’ strength of character as part of Black History Month in February or Women’s History Month in March.

But, let’s focus on her conversation with the bus driver when she refused to give up her seat.

Show your students this slideshow and ask them if Rosa Parks was assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, or passive.

Then, ask them about the bus driver.


Mike Fuchigami

PS: Here’s the difference between assertive and aggressive communication

PPS: Download the handouts that go with this lesson for free. This free link will only work for a week.

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