May is Mental Health Awareness month. As teachers, how often do we take time for ourselves… when there’s so much to do. Most of the teachers I know are passionate and have difficulty with work-life balance. Until something happens, and then they have to be assertive and draw lines. I’m only going to do work…

Oh no, you missed the sale!

Sign up for the Educircles newsletter to get free stuff and find out about the next sale! May is Mental Health Awareness month. What colour are you right now? Today, I’m a jittery silver with powerful flashes of white. I figured out something that I’m passionate about, and I want to get working on that…

I just sent out an email to the Educircles club newsletter that you’ll want to reply to.

Go check your inbox. Most people won’t bother to reply. Your odds are better than you think. I’ll send another email tomorrow (Tue May 7, 2024) with the winner. (Psst, sign up for the newsletter if you’re not part of the club, yet.) May is Mental Health Awareness month. May is also a crazy, busy…