I only gave away $200 (out of $500 in TpT gift cards) - (How) did I cheat?

I only gave away $200 (out of $500 in TpT gift cards) Did I cheat?

How could I have cheated? Have we become too trusting with the internet? People say things all the time. It’s so easy to fall for the latest scam, click-bait, and juicy fake news tidbit! I wanted to give away $500 in TpT gift cards to teachers who taught my Who is Invisible diversity lesson. (As…

I used these 20 Goal Setting Strategies to make $18,871.74

I used these 20 Goal Setting Strategies to make $18,871.74

Could these strategies help your students improve their marks? I bet some of your students want to be rich or famous – YouTube famous, Instagram famous, or famous famous. I also bet that a lot of them don’t put in the effort it requires to get epic results in anything – either because they don’t…

Service dog not allowed in class: Systemic Discrimination CRITICAL THINKING lesson (Reading Response Article 009)
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Service dog not allowed in class: Systemic Discrimination CRITICAL THINKING lesson (Reading Response Article 009)

School denies boy with autism his service dog. The Human Rights Tribunal agrees with the school. Is this systemic discrimination?

Free slideshow and Critical Thinking mini lesson / discussion questions.

First Black leader of a Federal Party in Canada: COLLABORATION lesson (Reading Response Article 008)
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First Black leader of a Federal Party in Canada: COLLABORATION lesson (Reading Response Article 008)

Annamie Paul is the first Black person to be the leader of a federal political party in Canada. She won the leadership race for the Green Party of Canada in October 2020. Does this matter?

Free slideshow and Collaboration mini lesson / discussion questions.