Your kids are NOT behind.

Your kids do NOT need to catch up. Your kids are NOT behind because of the pandemic.
We’re in a new normal. The game has completely changed.
And, yes, you CAN get through this.
You’re doing it right now. You’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got.
That’s what I learned from Kylene Beers.
She’s an expert on reading who wrote an open-letter to the US department of Education and American teachers. But, I think her message applies world-wide.
I wrote about it as I was updating my English Language Arts resource page.
But, just because someone tells me everything will be okay doesn’t mean I believe it.
I have anxiety. I think many of us do.
And, the rational side of my brain will know that we’re doing the best we can under incredible circumstances.
And, my emotional side will always worry that we’re not doing enough.
Sound familiar?
- If you teach reading, here are 6 YouTube videos to help you teach reading strategies to students.
- For everyone else, I want to give you TpT gift cards to get the resources you need for your classroom. (Any resource on the TpT marketplace, not just my store.)
The next ten teachers to answer these 3 questions will receive a $10 TpT gift card:
- Question 1. Where do you teach (city, country)?
- Question 2. What do you teach (grades / subjects)?
- Question 3 is in my Note to Followers sent on May 5, 2021. Check your TpT inbox. (Psst, make sure to follow me on TpT so you receive the next set of questions!)
Good luck teaching in your part of the world!
Cheers, Mike
PS. Save 20% on everything in my TpT store right now until Fri May 7, 2021.
PPS. Use promo code THANKYOU21 to save an extra 5% at the checkout (valid until Wed May 5, 2021 11:59 PM (ET)